題名 | 作者 | 索書號 |
The Usborne book of world religions | Susan Meredith ; illustrated by Nicholas Hewetson. | 200 |
First encyclopedia of dinosaurs and prehistoric life | Sam Taplin ; designed by Keith Newell and Mark Franklin ; illustrated by David Hancock. | 388.74 |
Saving the ghost of the mountain : an expedition among snow leopards in Mongolia | text by Sy Montgomery ; photographs by Nic Bishop. | 389.83 |
Chocolates & sweets to make | Rebecca Gilpin and Catherine Atkinson ; designed and illustrated by Non Taylor ; photographs by Howard Allman. | 426 |
Yummy little cookbook | Rebecca Gilpin and Catherine Atkinson ; illustrated by Non Taylor ... [et al.] ; photographs by Howard Allman ; edited by Fiona Watt. | 426 |
Usborne cakes & cookies for beginners | Fiona Watt ; designed by Mary Cartwright ; illustrated by Kim Lane ; photography by Howard Allman ; recipes by Julia Kirby-Jones. | 426 |
Usborne Christmas baking for children | Fiona Patchett ; illustrated by Nancy Leschnikoff. | 426 |
30 yummy things to cook and eat | Catherine Atkinson ... [et al.] ; designed & illustrated by Nicola Butler ... [et al.] ; photography by Howard Allman. | 426 |
Fairy cooking | Rebecca Gilpin and Catherine Atkinson ; designed by Nicola Butler ; illustrated by Molly Sage ; photographs by Howard Allman. | 426 |
Christmas fairy cooking | Rebecca Gilpin and Catherine Atkinson ; designed by Josephine Thompson ; illustrated by Molly Sage ; photographs by Howard Allman. | 426 |
Christmas cooking | Rebecca Gilpin & Catherine Atkinson ; edited by Fiona Watt ; photographs by Howard Allman ; illustrated by Kim Lane and Sue Stitt. | 426 |
Diwali | Katie Daynes ; illustrated by David Dean. | 539 |
The story of Hanukkah | Susanna Davidson ; illustrated by Gianluca Garofalo. | 539 |
All about China : stories, songs, crafts and more for kids | Allison "Aixin" Branscombe ; illustrated by Lin Wang. | 610 |
You wouldn't want to be a Greek athlete! : races you'd rather not run | written by Michael Ford ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be a pyramid builder! : a hazardous job you'd rather not have | written by Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be a Roman gladiator! : gory things you'd rather not know | written by John Malam ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be a slave in ancient Greece! : a life you'd rather not have | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be an Aztec sacrifice! : gruesome things you'd rather not know | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be an Egyptian mummy! : disgusting things you'd rather not know | written by David Stewart ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be a medieval knight! : armor you'd rather not wear | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be a ninja warrior! : a secret job that's your destiny | John Malam ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be a pirate's prisoner! : horrible things you'd rather not know | written by John Malam ; illustrated by David Antram ; created by and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be a Samurai! : a deadly career you'd rather not pursue | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be a secret agent during World War II! : a perilous mission behind enemy lines | written by John Malam ; illustrated by Mark Bergin ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be a Shakespearean actor! : some roles you might not want to play | written by Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be a World War II pilot! : air battles you might not survive | written by Ian Graham ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be cursed by King Tut! : a mysterious death you'd rather avoid | written by Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be in a medieval dungeon! : prisoners you'd rather not meet | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be Joan of Arc! : a mission you might want to miss | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be on the Hindenburg! : a transatlantic trip you'd rather skip | written by Ian Graham ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be sick in the 16th century! : diseases you'd rather not catch | written by Kathryn Senior ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to be Sir Isaac Newton! : a lonely life you'd rather not lead | written by Ian Graham ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to climb Mount Everest! : a deadly journey to the top of the world | written by Ian Graham ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to explore with Marco Polo! : a really long trip you'd rather not take | written by Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to meet a body snatcher! : criminals and murderers you'd rather avoid | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to sail on the Mayflower! : a trip that took entirely too long | written by Peter Cook ; illustrated by Kevin Whelan. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to work on a medieval cathedral : a difficult job that never ends | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without antibiotics! | written by Anne Rooney ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without bacteria! | written by Roger Canavan ; illustrated by Mark Bergin ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without books! | written by Alex Woolf ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without cell phones! | written by Jim Pipe ; illustrated by Rory Walker ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without clean water! | written by Roger Canavan ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without dentists! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and design by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without electricity! | written by Ian Graham ; illustrated by Rory Walker ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without extreme weather! | written by Roger Canavan ; illustrated by Mark Bergin ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without fire! | written by Alex Woolf ; illustrated by Mark Bergin. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without insects! | written by Anne Rooney ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without toilets! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without vaccinations! | written by Anne Rooney ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without gravity! | written by Anne Rooney ; illustrated by Mark Bergin ; series created by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without poop! | written by Alex Woolf ; illustrated by David Antram ; series created by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without pain | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram ; series created by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without sleep! | written by Jim Pipe ; illustrated by Mark Bergin ; series created by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live without dirt | written by Ian Graham ; illustrated by Mark Bergin ; series created by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
You wouldn't want to live in the Middle Ages | written by Fiona Macdonald, Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antram, Mark Bergin ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-2 |
Avoid becoming an Aztec sacrifice! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid meeting a body snatcher! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being at the Boston Tea Party | written by Peter Cook ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid exploring with Captain Cook! | written by Mark Bergin ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid sailing with Christopher Columbus! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a US Civil War soldier! | written by Thomas Ratliff ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a convict sent to Australia! | written by Meredith Costain ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid becoming an Egptian pyramid builder! | Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid fighting in the First Crusade! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by Mark Bergin ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being in the first submarine! | written by Ian Graham ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being on the first flying machine! | written by Ian Graham ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid working in the forbidden city | written by Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid sailing with Francis Drake! | written by David Stewart ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being an aristocrat in the French Revolution | written by Jim Pipe ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid flying on the Hindenburg! | written by Ian Graham ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid becoming an Incan mummy! | written by Colin Hynson ; illustated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being Sir Isaac Newton! | Ian Graham ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being Joan of Arc! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being Leonardo Da Vinci! | written by Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid exploring with Marco Polo! | written by Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antrim. | 701-4 |
Avoid being Mary, Queen of Scots! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a Mayan soothsayer! | written by Rupert Matthews ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid sailing on the Mayflower! | written by Peter Cook ; illustrated by Kevin Whelan. | 701-4 |
Avoid being in a medieval castle | written by Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid working on a medieval cathedral! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being in a medieval dungeon! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a medieval knight! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid climbing Mount Everest! | written by Ian Graham ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a Ninja Warrior! | written by John Malam ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a pony express rider! | written by Tom Ratliff ; illustrated by Mark Bergin ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a Roman soldier! | David Stewart ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a Salem witch! | written by Jim Pipe ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a samurai! | written by Fiona MacDonald ; Illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a skyscraper builder! | written by John Malam ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a slave in Pompeii! | written by John Malam ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid sailing in the Spanish Armada! | written by John Malam ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid working on the Statue of Liberty! | written by John Malam ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a suffragette! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a Sumerian slave ! | written by Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antram ; [series] created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a worker on the Taj Mahal! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a Tudor colonist! : the first steps in the New World (1585-1622) | written by Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being Tutankhamun! | written by David Stewart ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid meeting Typhoid Mary! | written by Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antram ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid working on a Victorian bridge! | written by Tom Ratliff ; illustrated by Mark Bergin ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a Victorian servant! | written by Fiona Macdonald ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid joining a Wild West wagon train! | written by Jacqueline Morley ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a World War Two pilot! | written by Ian Graham ; illustrated by David Antrim ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a Second World War evacuee! | written by Simon Smith ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a secret agent in the Second World War! | written by John Malam ; illustrated by Mark Bergin ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being a 1920's gangster! | written by Rupert Matthews ; illustrated by Mark Bergin ; created and designed by David Salariya. | 701-4 |
Avoid being an Assyrian soldier! | written by Rupert Matthews ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
Avoid being on Apollo 13! | written by Ian Graham ; illustrated by David Antram. | 701-4 |
The travel book | Malcolm Croft ; illustrated by Maggie Li. | 710 |
The Usborne book of peoples of the world : internet-linked | Gillian Doherty and Anna Claybourne ; designed by Laura Fearn and Linda Penny | 710 |
All about Japan : stories, songs, crafts, and more | Willamarie Moore ; illustrated by Kazumi Wilds. | 731 |
All about Korea : stories, songs, crafts, and more | Ann Martin Bowler ; illustrated by Soosoonam Barg. | 732 |
All about the Philippines : stories, songs, crafts and games for kids | Gidget Roceles Jimenez ; illustrated by Corazon Dandan-Albano. | 738 |
All about Indonesia : stories, songs and crafts for kids | written and illustrated by Linda Hibbs. | 738 |
Why did the Pilgrims come to the New World? And other questions about the Plymouth Colony | by Laura Hamilton Wasman. | 752 |
Writing and staging myths and legends | Charlotte Guillain. | 812 |
Writing : stories, poetry, song & rap | Sara James. | 812 |
Usborne introduction to music | Eileen O'Brien ; designed by Melissa Alaverdy and Laura Fearn ; edited by Jane Chisholm. | 910 |
Singing | by Jenny Fretland VanVoorst. | 913 |
My first ukulele | Ben Parker. | 916 |
My first keyboard | Ben Parker. | 917 |
My first piano | Ben Parker. | 917 |
The children's book of art : internet linked | Rosie Dickins. | 940 |
The kids' guide to digital photography : how to shoot, save, play with & print your digital photos | Jenni Bidner. | 950 |
Photography | Sara James. | 950 |
The camera book : loads of things you can do with a camera | John Davis. | 950 |
Guide to photography | Nancy Honovich and Annie Griffiths. | 950 |
Photography | by Jenny Fretland VanVoorst. | 950 |
Cameras for kids : fun and inexpensive projects for the little photographer | by John Crippen. | 950 |
Fairy things to stitch and sew | Fiona Watt ; designed and illustrated by Katrina Fearn and Nelupa Hussain ; steps by Stella Baggott ; background fairies by Molly Sage ; photographs by Howard Allman. | 964 |
Fairy things to make & do | Rebecca Gilpin ; designed by Katrina Fearn ; illustrated by Jan McCafferty, Lucy Parris and Molly Sage ; photographs by Howard Allman. | 964 |
Easter things to make and do | Kate Knighton and Leonie Pratt ; designed and illustrated by Josephine Thompson ... [et al.] ; photographs by Howard Allman. | 964 |
Things to make for mums | Rebecca Gilpin ; designed and illustrated by Non Figg, Antonia Miller and Josephine Thompson. | 964 |
Christmas fairy things to make and do | Rebecca Gilpin ; designed and illustrated by Katrina Fear ... [et al.] ; edited by Fiona Watt. | 964 |
Christmas things to stitch and sew | Fiona Watt ; designed and illustrated by Katrina Fearn ; additional design and illustration by Nelupa Hussain ; steps illustrated by Jo Moore ; photographs by Howard Allman. | 964 |
100 things to make & do | written by Fiona Watt ... [et al.]. | 964 |
100 more paper planes to fold & fly | illustrated by Andy Tudor ; designed by Hannah Ahmed, Tom Lalonde and Brian Voakes. | 972 |
So, you want to be a dancer? : the ultimate guide to exploring the dance industry | Laurel van der Linde. | 976 |
Dance | by Jenny Fretland VanVoorst. | 976 |
How to ... ballet : a step-by-step guide to the secrets of ballet | written by Jane Hackett. | 976.1 |
Writing and staging funny plays | Charlotte Guillain. | 985 |
Writing and staging adventure plays | Charlotte Guillain. | 985 |
Writing and staging real-life plays | Charlotte Guillain. | 985 |
Judy Moody goes to Hollywood : behind the scenes with Judy Moody and friends | by Megan McDonald with Richard Haynes ; set photography by Suzanne Tenner. | 987 |
How to make a movie in 10 easy lessons | Robert Blofield. | 987 |
Kids guide to movie making : how kids can produce & direct their own movies that audiences will love | Shelley Frost. | 987 |
Filmmaking & documentaries | Z.B. Hill. | 987 |
Acting | by Jenny Fretland VanVoorst. | 987 |
Runaway train : saved by Belle of the mines and mountains | written by Wim Coleman, Pat Perrin ; illustrated by Joanne Renaud. | 988 |
You can do yoga | Alix Wood. | 991 |
You can be a swimmer | Alix Wood. | 995.1 |
You can be an ice-skater | Alix Wood. | 995.10 |
You can be a gymnast | Alix Wood. | 995.2 |
You can be a martial artist | Alix Wood. | 995.7 |
Capoeira : game! dance! martial art! | George Ancona. | 995.7 |
The Lego movie : the essential guide | written by Hannah Dolan. | 999.2 |
Apes a-go-go! | Roman Milisic & A. Richard Allen. | E A |
Bob the builder : owners' workshop manual | author, Derek Smith ; design, Richard Parsons ; illustrations, cutaway illustrations by John Lawson all other images HIT Entertainment Limited and Keith Chapman. | E BOB |
Curious George discovers space | adaptation by Monica Perez, based on the TV series teleplay written by Craig Miller and Joe Fallon. | E CUR |
Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George goes to a bookstore | written by Julie M. Bartynski ; illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Mary O'Keefe Young. | E CUR |
Margret and H.A. Rey's Curious George goes to the zoo | written by Cynthia Platt ; illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Mary O'Keefe Young. | E CUR |
Curious George joins the team | written by Cynthia Platt ; illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Mary O'Keefe Young. | E CUR |
Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George saves his pennies | written by Monica Perez ; illustrated by Mary O'Keefe Young. | E CUR |
Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George visits the dentist | written by Monica Perez ; illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Mary O'Keefe Young. | E CUR |
Happy Valentine's Day, Curious George! | written by N. Di Angelo ; illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Mary O'Keefe Young. | E CUR |
Trick-or-treat! | adapted by Tish Rabe ; from a script by Katherine Sandford ; illustrated by Aristides Ruiz and Joe Mathieu. Aye-aye! adapted by Tish Rabe ; from a script by Patrick Graneese ; illustrated by Aristides and Joe Mathieu. | E DRS |
Spring into summer! .Fall into winter! | adapted by Tish Rabe from a script by Karen Moonah ; illustrated by Aristides Ruiz and Joe Mathieu. | E DRS |
A very crabby Christmas | by Tish Rabe based on a television script by Karen Moonah ; illustrated by Dave Aikins. | E DRS |
A reindeer's first Christmas. New friends for Christmas | by Tish Rabe ; based on a television script by Karen Moonah ; illustrated by Aristides Ruiz and Joe Mathieu. | E DRS |
Chasing rainbows | adapted by Tish Rabe from a script by Amanda Smith ; illustrated by Aristides Ruiz and Joe Mathieu. | E DRS |
Born to run | adapted by Tish Rabe from a script by Patrick Granleese ; illustrated by Christopher Moroney. | E DRS |
Home for Christmas | by Tish Rabe ; illustrated by Tom Brannon. | E DRS |
The Cat in the Hat knows a lot about Christmas! | written by Tish Rabe ; illustrated by Joe Mathieu. | E DRS |
The chocolate voyage | adapted by Tish Rabe from a script by Katherine Sandford ; illustrated by David Aikins. | E DRS |
Hooray for hair! | by Tish Rabe ; from a script by Karen Moonah ; illustrated by Tom Brannon. | E DRS |
King Cecil the sea horse | adapted by Tish Rabe ; from a script by Bernice Vanderlaan ; illustrated by Christopher Moroney. | E DRS |
Five little monkeys bake a birthday cake | Eileen Christelow. | E FIV |
Five little monkeys reading in bed | Eileen Christelow. | E FIV |
Gorilla | Anthony Browne. | E G |
100 hungry monkeys! | written and illustrated by Masayuki Sebe. | E H |
I've always wanted a monkey | Suzanne Corley and Vivian Levinge. | E I |
A mom for Umande | by Maria Faulconer ; illustrated by Susan Kathleen Hartung. | E M |
Monkey : a trickster tale from India | Gerald McDermott. | E M |
More caps for sale : another tale of mischievous monkeys | Esphyr Slobodkina with Ann Marie Mulhearn Sayer. | E M |
Princess : the essential guide | written by Naia Bray-Moffatt and Catherine Saunders. | E P |
Putting the monkeys to bed | Gennifer Choldenko ; illustrated by Jack E. Davis. | E P |
More of Monkey & Robot | by Peter Catalanatto. | EF CAT |
Monkey me and the golden monkey | by Tim Roland. | EF MON v.1 |
Monkey me and the pet show | by Timothy Roland. | EF MON v.2 |
Monkey me and the new neighbor | by Timothy Roland. | EF MON v.3 |
Monkey me and the school ghost | by Timothy Roland. | EF MON v.4 |
Star Wars : even droids need friends! | written by Simon Beecroft. | ER DRA 20 |
Ackbar's underwater army | Simon Beecroft. | ER DRA 44 |
Usborne illustrated stories from Aesop | retold by Susanna Davidson ; illustrated by Giuliano Ferri. | F A2-03 |
Usborne illustrated stories from the Greek myths. | F A3-03 | |
Stories from around the world | retold by Heather Amery ; illustrated by Linda Edwards ; designed by Joe Pedley ; edited by Michelle Bates & Jenny Tyler. | F A4-01 |
Illustrated Arabian nights | Anna Milbourne ; illustrated by Alida Massari. | F A4-05 |
Stories from around the world for little children. | F A5-02 | |
Dead of night | Erin Hunter ; [edited by] Erica Sussman. | F SUR v.2 |
Monkey business | Anna Wilson ; illustrated by Moira Munro. | F WIL |
Educational leadership : partnering with peers from other countries = 香港教育參訪 | 許銘欽等作 | TP KC |
101 dialogues, sketches + skits : instant theatre for teens and tweens | Paul Rooyackers, Bor Rooyackers and Liesbeth Mende. | TP LZ05 |
30 easy things to cook and eat. | TP TZ3 | |
30 healthy things to cook and eat. | TP TZ3 | |
Oxford phonics world. : teacher's book | Kaj Schwermer, Julia Chang, Craig Wright. | TX |
Oxford phonics world. | Kaj Schwermer, Julia Chang, Craig Wright. | TX |
Oxford children's rhyming dictionary. | TX | |
愛因斯坦的孩子 | 麥可.科思耶(Mike Kersjes),喬伊.雷登(Joe Layden)著 ; 齊若蘭譯 | 320 |
人體大透視(上) | 陳怡璇主編 ; 吳子平繪 | 410 |
人體大透視(下) | 陳怡璇主編 ; 吳子平繪 | 410 |
琪琪登玉山 | 林麗琪撰文.繪圖 | E Y0-01 |
二年仔孫悟空 | 王淑芬著 ; 呂美華插畫 | EF C4-02 |
新北市藝術饗宴國際藏書票展專輯. | 包志強總編輯 | TP LZ01 |
國民小學交通安全教材教案 : 學生學習手冊 | 交通部, 新北市政府教育局編. | TP SD |
國民小學交通安全教材教案 : 輔助教材 | 交通部, 新北市政府教育局編. | TP SD |
國民小學交通安全教材教案 : 教師指引 | 交通部, 新北市政府教育局編. | TP SD |
相互尊敬 : 避免性騷擾 =. : Respecting each other ; sexual harassment prevention | 製作 | VCD 528.3 |
威利在哪裡? : 驚奇魔法書 | 馬丁.韓福特(Martin Handford)文.圖 ; 劉嘉路譯 | COMIC AAA |
威利在哪裡? : 穿越時空之旅 | 馬丁.韓福特(Martin Handford)著 ; 黃筱茵譯 | COMIC AAA |
威利在哪裡? : 電影夢工廠 | 馬丁.韓福特(Martin Handford)著 ; 劉嘉路譯 | COMIC AAA |
發揮想像力 : Imagine it | DVD 019 V.1 | |
流言追追追6 | 公共電視製作 | DVD 300 |
流言追追追4 | 公共電視製作 | DVD 300 |
流言追追追5 | 公共電視製作 | DVD 300 |
探索動物世界 : 奇妙動物世界 = The wonderful world of animals. | DVD 380 V.1 | |
野性物羽 | 鄧文斌導演.製作 | DVD 388.8 V.1 |
末日行動 = : Wings II ; Doomsday mission | S.E.H. Productions製作 | DVD 447 V.1 |
旅遊首選 : 恐怖景點 : = World's creepiest destinations | / Linda Callahan製作 ; Erik Nelson執行製作 | DVD 700 |
孫中山與臺灣 | DVD 780 V.1 | |
天下為公之孫中山傳奇 | DVD 780 V.1 | |
兒童繪畫啟蒙1 : 簡筆畫入門1.2 | DVD 900 V.1 | |
兒童繪畫啟蒙2 : 輕輕鬆鬆畫人物1.2 | DVD 900 V.1 | |
兒童繪畫啟蒙3 : 水彩畫入門1.2.3 | DVD 900 V.1 | |
兒童繪畫啟蒙4 : 兒童油畫入門.撕紙貼畫及遮擋關係.輕輕鬆鬆學寫生 | DVD 900 V.1 | |
跑步,該怎麼跑? : Pose method of running | 尼可拉斯.羅曼諾夫(Nicholas Romanov)著 ; 徐國峰譯 | DVD 994 V.1 |
棒球致勝方程式 = : Baseball's secret formula | Team Creations for The Science Channel製作 | DVD 994.3 V.1 |
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