書刊名 | 出版者 | 登錄號 | 分類號 |
Table for two:an African folktale | Celebration Press | E0059584 | DRA 24 |
Tad Lucas, cowgirl | Modern curriculum Press | E0059098 | DRA 24 |
Talk! talk! talk!:a Haitian fable | Celebration Press | E0059563 | DRA 30 |
Technology and the Civil War | Benchmark Education Company | E0059984 | DRA 38 |
Telling time through the ages | Benchmark Education Company | E0059868 | DRA 30 |
The adventures of Max and Ned | Celebration Press | E0059559 | DRA 30 |
The American flag:learning to identify two-digit numbers up to 50 | Rosen Classroom Books & Materials | E0059497 | DRA 10 |
The American revolution | Benchmark Education Company | E0059983 | DRA 38 |
The American revolution | Benchmark Education Company | E0060044 | DRA 44 |
The ant and the grasshopper:an Aesop's fable | Celebration Press | E0059583 | DRA 24 |
The Aztec | Benchmark Education Company | E0059841 | DRA 28 |
The Aztec | Benchmark Education Company | E0059758 | DRA 40 |
The best place of all | Modern curriculum Press | E0059069 | DRA 28 |
The big hand-off | Modern curriculum Press | E0059085 | DRA 28 |
The big sheep mix-up | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059655 | DRA 24 |
The big snow! | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059650 | DRA 20 |
The breath of life | Dominie Press | E0059395 | DRA 50 |
The bug watch | Modern curriculum Press | E0059065 | DRA 38 |
The California gold rush | Modern curriculum Press | E0059122 | DRA 50 |
The case of the missing ring | Modern curriculum Press | E0059054 | DRA 38 |
The census and America's people:analyzing data using line graphs and tables | Rosen Classroom Books & Materials | E0059489 | DRA 40 |
The changing earth | Pearson Education Australia | E0059373 | DRA 30 |
The changing earth | Pearson Education Australia | E0059374 | DRA 30 |
The chunnel | Modern curriculum Press | E0059080 | DRA 28 |
The community of | Benchmark Education Company | E0059838 | DRA 28 |
The community of Washington, D.C. | Benchmark Education Company | E0059858 | DRA 34 |
The Cookie Quest | Dominie Press | E0059448 | DRA 28 |
The Cowboys of Argentina | Modern curriculum Press | E0059165 | DRA40 |
The creature vanishes | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059616 | DRA 38 |
The day the sky turned green | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059667 | DRA 30 |
The Day Twin and the Night Twin | Dominie Press | E0059458 | DRA 34 |
The dog who wanted to be a tiger | Celebration Press | E0059595 | DRA 28 |
The dress that grew | Longman | E0060206 | DRA 10 |
The farmer's journey:a Greek fable | Celebration Press | E0059594 | DRA 28 |
The fisherman and the fish | Modern curriculum Press | E0059088 | DRA 28 |
The flying lesson | Modern curriculum Press | E0059143 | DRA 40 |
The go-boat | Modern curriculum Press | E0059624 | DRA 34 |
The good news | Modern curriculum Press | E0059062 | DRA 38 |
The good old days | Modern curriculum Press | E0059133 | DRA 40 |
The great riddle mystery | Modern curriculum Press | E0059671 | DRA 30 |
The great skate race | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059665 | DRA 24 |
The Griffeys:father and son : baseball | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059623 | DRA 34 |
The history of space exploration:sequencing events chronologically on a timeline | Rosen Classroom Books & Materials | E0059474 | DRA 34 |
The Inca | Benchmark Education Company | E0059842 | DRA 28 |
The Key on the Collar | Dominie Press | E0059465 | DRA 38 |
The lesson | Modern curriculum Press, Pearson learning group. | E0059039 | DRA 30 |
The life cycle of plants | Benchmark Education Company | E0059830 | DRA 20 |
The life cycle of plants | Benchmark Education Company | E0059834 | DRA 20 |
The life cycle of plants | Benchmark Education Company | E0059850 | DRA 38 |
The life cycle of trees | Benchmark Education Company | E0059867 | DRA 30 |
The little wagon | Modern curriculum Press | E0059087 | DRA 28 |
The Living desert | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059613 | DRA 40 |
The Lost and found game | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059674 | DRA 28 |
The Maya | Benchmark Education Company | E0059840 | DRA 28 |
The Maya | Benchmark Education Company | E0059759 | DRA 40 |
The midwest states | Benchmark Education Company | E0059908 | DRA 24 |
The midwest states | Benchmark Education Company | E0059755 | DRA 40 |
The mooncheese:a tale from Mexico | Modern curriculum Press | E0059124 | DRA 40 |
The Mysterious House Number Nine | Dominie Press | E0059461 | DRA 38 |
The mystery of magnets | Pearson Education Australia | E0059239 | DRA 38 |
The Mystery of Smuggler's Island | Dominie Press | E0059427 | DRA 40 |
The Mystery of the One Purple Glove | Dominie Press | E0059456 | DRA 34 |
The Mystery of the spy's diary | Modern Curriculum Pess | E0059625 | DRA 34 |
The names of numbers:learning how numbers are represented with words | Rosen Classroom Books & Materials | E0059505 | DRA 2 |
The new kid | Modern curriculum Press | E0059109 | DRA 20 |
The northeast | Benchmark Education Company | E0059843 | DRA 28 |
The Northeast | Benchmark Education Company | E0059754 | DRA 40 |
The ocean by the lake | Celebration Press | E0059560 | DRA 30 |
The Only Son | Dominie Press | E0059464 | DRA 38 |
The other side of the lake | Celebration Press | E0059587 | DRA 24 |
The otherwhere ice shoe | Dominie Press | E0059434 | DRA 40 |
The pacific northwest | Benchmark Education Company | E0059845 | DRA 28 |
The Pacific northwest | Benchmark Education Company | E0059753 | DRA 40 |
The perfect garden | Modern curriculum Press | E0059162 | DRA 40 |
The pet show | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059649 | DRA 20 |
The pizza party:learning basic problem-solving skills | Rosen Classroom Books & Materials | E0059498 | DRA 8 |
The plant that almost ate the world | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059622 | DRA 34 |
The red planet | Celebration Press | E0059557 | DRA 34 |
The remarkable, adaptable turtle | Celebration Press | E0059589 | DRA 28 |
The river rescue | Modern curriculum Press | E0059107 | DRA 24 |
The San Francisco Exploratorium | Celebration Press | E0059555 | DRA 34 |
The sandwich queen | Modern curriculum Press | E0059040 | DRA 30 |
The school play | Modern curriculum Press | E0059163 | DRA 40 |
The seven natural wonders | Benchmark Education Company | E0059956 | DRA 30 |
The seven wonders of the ancient world | Benchmark Education Company | E0059796 | DRA 60 |
The sound of silence | Dominie Press | E0059407 | DRA 50 |
The southeast | Benchmark Education Co. | E0059752 | DRA 40 |
The southeast | Benchmark Education Company | E0059844 | DRA 28 |
The southeast | Benchmark Education Company | E0059848 | DRA 28 |
The southwest | Benchmark Education Company | E0059751 | DRA 40 |
The storm | Modern curriculum Press | E0059104 | DRA 24 |
The story of our numbers:the history of Arabic numerals | Rosen Classroom Books & Materials | E0059483 | DRA 38 |
The Story of Persephone | Dominie Press | E0059424 | DRA 40 |
The story of the frisbee | Dominie Press | E0059406 | DRA 50 |
The three bears | Clarion Books | E0041464 | DRA 2 |
The time machine | Modern curriculum Press | E0059091 | DRA 28 |
The Tour de France:solving addition problems involving regrouping | Rosen Classroom Books & Materials | E0059466 | DRA 30 |
The transcontinental railroad | Benchmark Education Company | E0060026 | DRA 44 |
The Treasure of Clipper Point | Dominie Press | E0059449 | DRA 28 |
The voyages of christopher columbus | Benchmark Education Company | E0060027 | DRA 44 |
The voyages of:Christopher Columbus | Benchmark Education Company | E0059976 | DRA 34 |
The way things were | Pearson Education Australia | E0059303 | DRA 4 |
The western states | Benchmark Education Company | E0059907 | DRA 24 |
The western states | Benchmark Education Company | E0059750 | DRA 40 |
The wild west | Modern curriculum Press | E0059110 | DRA 20 |
Then and now | Pearson Education Australia | E0059347 | DRA 10 |
They changed the world | Pearson Education Australia | E0059213 | DRA 38 |
They changed the world | Pearson Education Australia | E0059225 | DRA 38 |
They worked together | Pearson Education Australia | E0059365 | DRA 24 |
Thieves & rascals | Dominie Press | E0059513 | DRA 38 |
Thinking outside the box:a book of math games, tricks, and puzzles | Celebration Press | E0059550 | DRA 38 |
Thomas Edison:an American inventor | Modern curriculum Press | E0059141 | DRA 40 |
Three ancient communities | Benchmark Education Company | E0059835 | DRA 20 |
Three ancient communities | Benchmark Education Company | E0059985 | DRA 30 |
Three historical communities of north America | Benchmark Education Company | E0059837 | DRA 20 |
Three immigrant communities:New York city in 1900 | Benchmark Education Company | E0059829 | DRA 20 |
Three immigrant communities:New York City in 1900 | Benchmark Education Company | E0060000 | DRA 38 |
Three twentieth-century dictators | Benchmark Education Company | E0059800 | DRA 60 |
Through artists' eyes | Celebration Press | E0059567 | DRA 30 |
Through the garden door | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059678 | DRA 28 |
Tick tock world clocks | Pearson Education Australia | E0059354 | DRA 4 |
Tiger tales:a story of survival | Celebration Press | E0059553 | DRA 34 |
Tiger Woods | Dominie Press | E0059404 | DRA 50 |
Tigers | Dominie Press | E0059520 | DRA 30 |
Time to celebrate! | Pearson Education Australia | E0059394 | DRA 20 |
Tina's diary | Modern curriculum Press | E0059102 | DRA 24 |
Tio Victor's Big hit | Modern curriculum Press | E0059155 | DRA 40 |
Tolerance | Capstone Press | E0059603 | DRA 30 |
Trackers of dynamic earth | Benchmark Education Company | E0059919 | DRA 50 |
Travel smart | Pearson Education Australia | E0059230 | DRA 38 |
Travelers | Dominie Press | E0059508 | DRA 28 |
Treasure in the cellar | Modern curriculum Press | E0059050 | DRA 34 |
Trees and leaves | Pearson Education Australia | E0059310 | DRA 6 |
Try it with triangles:learning to put triangles together to form other shapes | Rosen Classroom Books & Materials | E0059496 | DRA 12 |
Try it! | Pearson Education Australia | E0059179 | DRA 40 |
Try, try again! | Modern curriculum Press | E0059057 | DRA 38 |
Tsunamis | Benchmark Education Company | E0059975 | DRA 34 |
Tsunamis | Benchmark Education Company | E0060025 | DRA 44 |
Tug, tug, tug:an African folk tale | Modern curriculum Press | E0059082 | DRA 28 |
Turn it down! | Pearson Education Australia | E0059271 | DRA 50 |
Twitter! tweet! squawk!:my favorite place in Hong Kong | Modern curriculum Press | E0059083 | DRA 28 |
Two great lives:Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan | Dominie Press | E0059402 | DRA 50 |
Uncle Ben's Fishing Trip | Dominie Press | E0059430 | DRA 40 |
Underwater treasures | Pearson Education Australia | E0059176 | DRA 40 |
Very unusual pets | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059654 | DRA 24 |
Voices from the civil war | Benchmark Education Company | E0060023 | DRA 44 |
Volcanoes | Pearson Education Australia | E0059175 | DRA 40 |
Volcanoes:nature's awesome power | Benchmark Education Company | E0059787 | DRA 60 |
Wang Yani:longing to paint | Modern curriculum Press | E0059150 | DRA 40 |
Water wise | Pearson Education Australia | E0059216 | DRA 38 |
We need insects! | Pearson Education Australia | E0059363 | DRA 24 |
Weather works | Benchmark Education Company | E0060022 | DRA 44 |
Western legends | Benchmark Education Company | E0059802 | DRA 60 |
Whales | Dominie Press | E0059035 | DRA 40 |
Whales on the move | Celebration Press | E0059558 | DRA 30 |
What Frank watched | Modern curriculum Press | E0059092 | DRA 24 |
What Happens to the Dog? | Dominie Press | E0059453 | DRA 30 |
What is a government? | Pearson Education Australia | E0059269 | DRA 50 |
What is it? | Pearson Education Australia | E0059313 | DRA 8 |
What makes a animal a animal? | Benchmark Education Company | E0059749 | DRA 40 |
What makes a human a human? | Benchmark Education Company | E0059906 | DRA 24 |
What makes a human a human? | Benchmark Education Company | E0059747 | DRA 40 |
What makes a plant a plant? | Benchmark Education Company | E0059904 | DRA 24 |
What makes a plant a plant? | Benchmark Education Company | E0059748 | DRA 40 |
What makes an animal an animal | Benchmark Education Company | E0059847 | DRA 28 |
What makes it go? | Pearson Education Australia | E0059301 | DRA 3 |
What should we wear | Pearson Education Australia | E0059314 | DRA 8 |
What time is it? | Pearson Education Australia | E0059290 | DRA 50 |
Whatever am I going to do now? | Celebration Press | E0059597 | DRA 28 |
What's that date again? | Dominie Press | E0059422 | DRA 40 |
What's the address? | Pearson Education Australia | E0059355 | DRA 10 |
When Rudy Crowed | Dominie Press | E0059432 | DRA 40 |
When the earth shakes | Modern Curriculum Pess | E0059612 | DRA 40 |
When there were dinosaurs:using expanded notation to represent numbers in the millions | Rosen Classroom Books & Materials | E0059487 | DRA 40 |
Where we play sports:measuring the perimeters of polygons | Rosen Classroom Books & Materials | E0059469 | DRA 34 |
Which way to Mars? | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059652 | DRA 20 |
Who is the Best? | Dominie Press | E0059447 | DRA 28 |
Whoops! it works! | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059666 | DRA 30 |
Why polar bears like snow:and flamingos don't | Benchmark Education Company | E0059988 | DRA 30 |
Wild baby animals | Celebration Press | E0059561 | DRA 30 |
Wildlife in the City | Dominie Press | E0059429 | DRA 40 |
Wildlife photographer:Frank Greenaway | Pearson Education Australia | E0059285 | DRA 50 |
Wolves | Dominie Press | E0059530 | DRA 28 |
Women in the renaissance | Benchmark Education Company | E0060014 | DRA 40 |
Women in the renaissance | Benchmark Education Company | E0059792 | DRA 60 |
Women who dared | Benchmark Education Company | E0059876 | DRA 40 |
Woodchuck's new helper | Modern curriculum Press | E0059056 | DRA 38 |
Working at the farmer's market:solving money problems involving the four math operations | Rosen Classroom Books & Materials | E0059475 | DRA 34 |
World atlas | Pearson Education Australia | E0059317 | DRA 24 |
World beneath the waves | Benchmark Education Company | E0059874 | DRA 40 |
World heritage sites | Pearson Education Australia | E0059264 | DRA 50 |
World War II by the numbers | Benchmark Education Company | E0059814 | DRA 60 |
Write it down! | Pearson Education Australia | E0059265 | DRA 50 |
Wrong say robot | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059659 | DRA 24 |
Wrong way Reggie | Celebration Press | E0059572 | DRA 18 |
Young pioneers | Modern Curriculum Press | E0059627 | DRA 34 |
Your new planet | Modern curriculum Press | E0059111 | DRA 20 |
Zebras | Dominie Press | E0059525 | DRA 28 |
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