書刊名 | 作者 | 出版者 | 登錄號 |
佛化弟子的故事 | 吳重德 | 和裕 | C0000058 |
阿嗚國王的兒童節[班級用書] | 王文華/徐大寶 | 康軒文教 | C0042663 |
桂花雨[班級用書] | 琦君/黃淑英 | 格林文化 | C0045288 |
魯賓遜漂流記(班級用書) | 狄福/周樂 | 天衛 | C0046859 |
魯賓遜漂流記(班級用書) | 狄福/周樂 | 天衛 | C0046898 |
大山之歌:山與生命的對話(班級用書) | 黑赫司特 | 智庫文化 | C0046938 |
哈利波特:神秘的魔法石(班級用書) | 羅琳著/彭倩文 | 皇冠文化 | C0046939 |
三劍客(班級用書) | 大仲馬著/李玉民 | 商周 | C0046979 |
七個水晶球 | 艾爾吉編繪/王炳東/Herge. | 天下雜誌 | C0047019 |
我的恐龍大探索 | 奧力佛/德爾奈沃/博納瓦 | 天下遠見 | C0047020 |
老鎮百工圖[班級用書] | 張玲玲文/劉宗慧 | 遠流 | C0047021 |
熱情、努力、決心:成功永遠不是奇蹟!:第一位打進NBA的台裔球員林書豪 | 泛亞文化 | 泛亞文化 | C0047022 |
CNN互動英語=CNN interactive english:林書豪旋風狂掃全球 | 周盈秀 | LiveABC | C0047024 |
新紀元周刊=New epoch weekly:林書豪美國學的東方元素 | 華明 | 新紀元 | C0047025 |
時報周刊:從Zero到Hero | 時報周刊 | 時報文化 | C0047027 |
XXL美國職籃聯盟雜誌:All Lin林書豪 | 王傳杰 | 長昇文化 | C0047029 |
美國職籃球:Hop Taiwan | 張聰富 | 宬世環宇 | C0047032 |
我有絕招續集:安全教育故事[班級用書] | 可白/河馬 | 小兵 | C0047033 |
林書豪旋風:Lincredible 17 | 林馨琴 | 時報文化 | C0047035 |
戰聲漸近 | 杭特著/高子梅 | 晨星 | C0048511 |
拂曉之光 | 杭特著/鐘岸真 | 晨星 | C0048512 |
月亮蹤跡 | 杭特著/高子梅 | 晨星 | C0048513 |
蘇菲的傑作[班級用書] | 史賓那利艾琳 | 維京國際 | C0048515 |
強恩的動物醫院[班級用書] | 市川里美編繪/簡麗華 | 漢彥文化 | C0048516 |
二年仔孫悟空[班級用書] | 王淑芬著/呂美華 | 小兵 | C0048517 |
How dinosaurs took flight | Sloan Christopher | National Geographic | E0044593 |
Dragonworld:secrets of the dragon domain | Caldwell S. A. | RP Kids | E0060553 |
Bizarre dinosaurs | Sloan Christopher | National Geographic | E0060559 |
Armored dinosaurs | Mehling Carl | Skyview Books | E0060560 |
Before the dinosaurs | Mehling Carl | Skyview Books | E0060561 |
National Geographic kids the ultimate dinopedia | Lessem Don | National Geographic | E0060570 |
DK first dinosaur encyclopedia | Bingham Caroline | DK | E0060576 |
The Kingfisher dinosaur encyclopedia | Benton M. J. | Kingfisher | E0060577 |
Bakugan battle brawlers:how to draw | Zalme Ron | Scholastic | E0060580 |
Bony-skinned dinosaurs | Birch Robin | Chelsea Clubhouse | E0060584 |
Ankylosaurus | Bailey Gerry | Crabtree Pub. | E0060585 |
Awesome dinosaurs | Levesque Haude | Parragon | E0060589 |
National Geographic Kids Almanac 2012 | National Geographic | E0060593 | |
Oxford picture dictionary : Monolingual | Adelson-Goldstein Jayme. | Oxford University Press, | E0060609 |
Calvin Hill and Grant Hill:one family's legacy in football and basketball | Porterfield Jason | Rosen Central | E0060612 |
Batter | Glaser Jason | Gareth Stevens | E0060626 |
Basketball | Wiseman Blaine | AV2 by Weigl | E0060628 |
20 soccer superstars | Velazquez de Leon Mauricio | Rosen Pub. Group | E0060657 |
Basketball, soccer, and other ball games | Page Jason | Crabtree Pub. | E0060658 |
Swifter, higher, stronger | Macy Sue | National Geographic | E0060661 |
Brazil = Brasil | Obregon Jose Maria | PowerKids Press | E0060702 |
Baseball | Wiseman Blaine | AV2 by Weigl | E0060705 |
Biathlon, cross-country, ski jumping, and nordic combined | Burns Kylie | Crabtree | E0060730 |
Alpine and freestyle skiing | Burns Kylie | Crabtree | E0060731 |
Bowling alley adjectives | Fisher Doris. | Gareth Stevens Publishing, | E0060735 |
National Geographic Kids | National Geographic Society | J0004870 | |
Zoobooks | J0004872 | ||
Plays Magazines | J0004873 | ||
Appleseeds | Carus Publishing Company | J0004876 | |
Kids Discover | kids Discover | J0004883 | |
Faces | J0004885 | ||
Live互動英語=Live Interactive English Magazine:[生活、實用]讓您輕鬆開口說英語 | LiveABC | J0004886 | |
Ranger Rick | National Wildlife Federation | J0004892 | |
Cricket | Carus Publoishing Company | J0004894 | |
國家地理雜誌[中文版]-國小部 | 秋雨文化事業有限公司 | J0004923 | |
教育研究月刊 | 高等教育 | J0004927 | |
親子天下 | 天下雜誌 | J0004929 | |
少年牛頓 | 好頭腦文教 | J0004933 | |
人本教育札記 | 財團法人人本教育文教基金會 | J0004939 | |
空中英語教室 | 空中英語教室文摘雜誌社 | J0004944 | |
幼獅少年=Youth Juvenile Monthly | 幼獅文化事業股份有限公司 | J0004972 | |
新小牛頓 | 牛頓出版股份有限公司 | J0004977 | |
小典藏 | 典藏藝術家股份有限公司 | J0004981 | |
Calliope:exploring world history | Cobblestone Publishing Company | J0004988 | |
Odyssey:Adventures in Science | Cobblestone Publishing Company | J0005015 | |
商業周刊 | 英屬蓋曼群島商家庭傳媒股份有限公司城邦分公司 | J0005018 | |
Live互動英語=Live Interactive English Magazine:[生活、實用]讓您輕鬆開口說英語 | LiveABC | J0005020 | |
LEO小達文西 | 暢談國際 | J0005031 | |
Muse | Carus Publishing Company | J0005048 | |
Dig | J0005049 | ||
ask:art & Sciences for kids | Carus Publishing Company | J0005051 | |
Sports Illustrated for kids | J0005056 | ||
My sidewalks on reading street: Unit 2:Working together | Juel Connie. | Pearson | TX010367 |
Reading Street Grade 4:student edition, Unit 4.2 (TX) | Product Description | Pearson | TX010370 |
Reader's and Writer's Notebook:Phonics and Spelling (TX) | Product Description | Pearson | TX010374 |
Amy the Hedgehog Girl(Textboobk):Brown3 | Coldwell John | Oxford University Press | TX010375 |
Mr. Stanley's Trousers(Textbook):Brown5 | Warburton Nick | Oxford University Press | TX010376 |
Betty's secret(Textbook):Brown6 | Coldwell John | Oxford University Press | TX010377 |
Bertie's Wonderful Ears(Textbook):Brown4 | Cox David | Oxford University Press | TX010378 |
Rodney and His Flans(Textbook):Brown1 | Warburton Nick | Oxford University Press | TX010379 |
Rodney and His Machine(Textbook):Brown2 | Warburton Nick | Oxford University Press | TX010380 |
Amy the hedgehog gird(Textbook):Workbook | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010381 |
Mr Stanley's trousers(Textbook):Workbook | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010383 |
Betty's secret(Textbook):Workbook | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010385 |
Bertie's wonderful ears(Textbook):Workbook | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010387 |
Rodney and his flans(Textbook):Workbook | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010389 |
Rodney and his machine(Textbook):Workbook | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010392 |
Brown Story Guide(Textbook) | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010393 |
Scott Foresman Beginning Writer's Thesaurus(TX) | Scott Foresman | TX010395 | |
Storm Castle(Textbook):Workbook | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010396 |
Green Island(Textbook):Pink3 | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010397 |
Green Island(Textbook):Workbook | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010398 |
The Litter Queen(Textbook) | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010399 |
The Flying Carpet(Textbook):Pnik2 | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010400 |
The flying carpet(Textbook):Workbook | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010401 |
Pink Story Guide(Textbook) | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010402 |
The Wishing Fish(Textbook) | Mitchell H.Q. | MM Publications | TX010404 |
Jasper's Pot of Gold(Textbook) | Mitchell H.Q. | MM Publications | TX010405 |
Cookie Land(Textbook) | Mitchell H.Q. | MM Publications | TX010406 |
Mowgli(Textbook) | Mitchell H.Q. | MM Publications | TX010407 |
The Boss Dog(Textbook):Workbook | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010408 |
The boss dog(Textbook) | Ray Rita/Scott Susan | Oxford University Press | TX010409 |
Jemma's new animal(Textbook):Workbook | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010411 |
Jemma's New Animal(Textbook):Purple3 | Ray Rita | Oxford University Press | TX010412 |
Mr. Star and His Tiger(Textbook):Workbook | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010414 |
Mr Star and his Tiger(Textbook):Purple5 | Mellor Robin | Oxford University Press | TX010415 |
Purple Story Guide(Textbook) | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010416 |
Land of the Dinosaurs(Textbook):Orange3 | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010417 |
Land of the Dinosaurs(Textbook):Workbook | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010418 |
The Lost Key(Textbook):Workbook | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010421 |
Lost in the Jungle(Textbook):Orange5 | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010422 |
The Lost Key(Textbook):Orange6 | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010423 |
Orange Story Guide(Textbook) | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010425 |
Lost in the Jungle(Textbook):Workbook | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010427 |
The Litter Queen(Workbook):Workbook | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010428 |
The Outing(Textbook):Orange2 | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010429 |
The Outing(Textbook):Workbook | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010433 |
In the Garden(Textbook):Orange1 | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010437 |
In the garden(Textbook):Workbook | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010438 |
Red Planet(Textbook):Orange4 | Hunt Roderick/ | Oxford University Press | TX010439 |
Superdog(Textbook):Pnik5 | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010440 |
The kidnappers(Textbook):Pink1 | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010441 |
The kidnappers(Textbook):Workbook | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010442 |
Superdog(Textbook):Workbook | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010443 |
Red Planet(Textbook):Workbook | Lui Linda | Oxford University Press | TX010444 |
The fisherman and his Wife | Arengo Sue | Oxford University Press | TX010445 |
The Ugly Duckling | Arengo Sue | Oxford University Press | TX010446 |
Jungle Shorts(Textbook):Purple6 | Rawnsley Irene | Oxford University Press | TX010447 |
The Jungle shorts(Textbook):Workbook | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010448 |
The Masked Cleaning Ladies Return(Textbook):Purple2 | Coldwell John | Oxford University Press | TX010449 |
The Masked Cleaning Ladies Retur(Textbook)n:Workbook | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010450 |
The Masked Cleaning Ladies(Textbook):Workbook | Wright Gillian | Oxford University Press | TX010451 |
The dream(Textbook):Workbook | Sprengeler Susan | Oxford University Press | TX010453 |
Paul and Pierre in Paris (Starter) TX:Teacher's Book | Mitchell H.Q. | MM Publications | TX010454 |
Oonagh's Giant Bagy(TX) | Bethune Helen | Pearson Education Australia | TX010455 |
Reading Street Grade 1:student edition, Unit 4 (TX) | Product Description | Pearson | TX010456 |
Reading Street Grade 1:student edition, Unit 5 (TX) | Product Description | Pearson | TX010457 |
Reading Street Grade 1:student edition, Unit 3 (TX) | Product Description | Pearson | TX010458 |
Reader's and Writer's Notebook:Grammar and Vocabulary (TX) | Product Description | Pearson | TX010459 |
The Magic Cooking Pot | Arengo Sue | Oxford University Press | TX010461 |
The Shoemaker and the Elves | Arengo Sue | Oxford University Press | TX010462 |
Lisa Visits Loch Ness (elementary) TX:Teaher's Book | Mitchell H.Q. | MM Publications | TX010463 |
The Magic Key(Textbook):Green5 | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010465 |
The Magic Key(Textbook):Workbook | Sprengeler Susan | Oxford University Press | TX010466 |
Castle Adventure(Textbook):Green8 | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010467 |
Castle Adventure(Textbook):Workbook | Sprengeler Susan | Oxford University Press | TX010468 |
The Secret Room(Textbook):Green3 | Hunt Roderick/Sprengeler Susan/Brychta Alex | Oxford University Press | TX010469 |
The Secret Room(Textbook):Workbook | Sprengeler Susan | Oxford University Press | TX010470 |
Grandma(Textbook):Green7 | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010471 |
Green Story Guide(Textbook) | Sprengeler Susan | Oxford University Press | TX010472 |
The new house(Textbook):Green2 | Hunt Roderick | Oxford University Press | TX010473 |
The new house(Textbook):Workbook | Sprengeler Susan | Oxford University Press | TX010474 |
The storm(Textbook):Workbook | Sprengeler Susan | Oxford University Press | TX010475 |
Pirate Adventure(Textbook):Workbook | Sprengeler Susan | Oxford University Press | TX010477 |
The House of the Seven Gables(TX) | Hawthorne Nathaniel | Pearson Education Ltd | TX010478 |
All Baba And The Forty Thievesz(Textbook) | Kalinowski Fiona | Pearson Education Limited | TX010483 |
Little women | Alcott Louisa M. | Pearson Education | TX010484 |
The Selfish Giant(Textbook) | Wilde Oscar | Penguin Longman | TX010486 |
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea(TX) | Verne Jules | Pearson Education | TX010488 |
A Biker's Ghost(TX) | Prince Alison | Pearson Education Limited | TX010492 |
Surfer!(Textbook) | Harvey Paul | longman | TX010495 |
Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow(TX) | Murphy Margaret | Pearson Education Limited | TX010500 |
The adventures of Tom Sawyer(TX) | Twain Mark | Pearson Education | TX010501 |
The Golden Goose(Textbook) | Hadley Mary | Penguin Longman | TX010502 |
Ghosts(Textbook) | Williams Melanie | Penguin Longman | TX010503 |
Famous Sports(TX) | Fox Cameron | Pearson Education Limited | TX010504 |
Aladdin and the Lamp(Textbook) | Crook Marie | Penguin Longman | TX010505 |
Emily | Cooper Jilly/ | Penguin | TX010506 |
The Mummy(Textbook) | Herndon Lynne Doherty | Penguin Longman | TX010507 |
The prince and the pauper | Twain Mark | Pearson Education | TX010508 |
Treasure Island | Stevenson Robert Louis | Pearson Education | TX010509 |
ESL 2:Newcomer teacher suggestion book(TX) | Scott Foresman | TX010519 | |
ESL 2(TX):Teacher's resource book | Scott Foresman | TX010521 | |
ESL 2:Language development activity book(TX) | Scott Foresman | TX010524 | |
ESL 2 (TX):Student's edtion | Scott Foresman | TX010526 | |
ESL 1(TX):Student's edition | Scott Foresman | TX010527 | |
ESL 3(TX):Student's edition | Scott Foresman | TX010529 | |
ESL 4 (TX):Student's edtion | Scott Foresman | TX010530 | |
ESL 5(TX):Student's edtion | Scott Foresman | TX010533 | |
Dragon Boy(TX) | Goodhart Pippa | Red Bananas | TX010534 |
Sparrow and the Giant(TX) | Matheson Peter | Nelson Thomson Learning | TX010535 |
The Mammoth Hunters(TX) | Griffiths Susan | Nelson Thomson Learning | TX010536 |
The Stinking Story of Rubbish(TX) | Daynes Katie | Usborne Publishing Ltd. | TX010537 |
A Stage He's Going Through(TX) | Wilkinson Carole | Nelson Thomson Learning | TX010538 |
Nonfiction 4(Textbook):Steck Vaughn | Billings Henry | Harcourt Achieve | TX010540 |
Nonfiction 3(Textbook):Steck Vaughn | Burke Melissa Blackwell | Harcourt Achieve | TX010541 |
Nonfiction Reading Comprehension G6(Textbook):Teacher Created Resources TCR3386 | Migliaccio Eric | Teacher Created Resources | TX010542 |
Nonfiction Reading Comprehension G5(Textbook):Teacher Created Resources TCR3385 | Migliaccio Eric | Teacher Created Resources | TX010544 |
Room 13 and Other Ghost Stories(TX) | James M. R. | Macmillan Heinemann ELT | TX010545 |
Jack and the Beanstalk:Reading House L3 | Eisele Catherine | Caves Books Ltd. | TX010546 |
Eddie and the Magic Potion(Textbook) | Morris Deirdra | Pearson Education Limited | TX010549 |
Little Red Riding Hood(Textbook) | Penguin Books Ltd | Pearson Education Limited | TX010550 |
Cinderella(Textbook) | McIlvain Audrey | Penguin Longman | TX010551 |
Jason and The Golden Fleece(TX) | Zeff Claudia. | Usborne, | TX010552 |
Chicken Run(Textbook) | Dodd Nonia. W. | Penguin Longman | TX010553 |
The Sorcerer's Apprentice | Hughes Annie | Pearson Education Limited | TX010554 |
My home(Textbook) | Lo Margaret | Penguin Longman | TX010556 |
The Jungle Book(Textbook) | Kipling Rudyard | Penguin Longman | TX010557 |
Explode the Code1 & 2(Teacher's Guide) | Hall Nancy | Educators Publishing Service | TX010559 |
Explode the Code7 & 8(Teacher's Guide) | Hall Nancy | Educators Publishing Service | TX010560 |
Explode the Code5 & 6(Teacher's Guide) | Hall Nancy | Educators Publishing Service | TX010561 |
Reading Comprehension A | Steck-Vaughn | Steck-Vaughn Co. | TX010562 |
Reading Comprehension E | Steck-Vaughn | Steck-Vaughn Co. | TX010563 |
Reading Comprehension A(Teacher's Guide) | Steck-Vaughn | Steck-Vaughn Co. | TX010564 |
Keep on reading! Level B:comprehension across the curriculum. | Peoples Publishing Group. | Peoples Publishing Group | TX010565 |
Enter the world of Grammar(TX):Book a | Mitchell H.Q. | MM Publications | TX010566 |
Enter the world of grammar(TX):Teacher's Book A & B | Mitchell H. Q. | TX010567 | |
Enter the world of Grammar:Book | Mitchell H.Q. | MM Publications | TX010571 |
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