聖誕快樂! Merry Christmas!

2014年12月27日 星期六











2014年12月10日 星期三

題名 作者 索書號
The First Thanksgiving   Hayward, Linda ER DRA 28 
It's Thanksgiving   Prelutsky, Jack E I
A Turkey For Thanksgiving   Bunting, Eve T
Fear of falling   Anderson, Laurie Halse  F WIL  
Kit learns a lesson:a school story   Tripp, Valerie  EF AME
Barney's Thanksgiving   White, Stephen E BAR    
Thanksgiving day   Gibbons, Gail E G
Clifford's Thanksgiving visit   Bridwell, Norman  E CLI  
Look who's in the Thanksgiving play!   Clements, Andrew E L
Peanut-butter pilgrims   Delton, Judy EF PEE
Happy Thanksgiving, Biscuit!   Capucilli, Alyssa Satin  E BIS  
Dora's Thanksgiving    Willson, Sarah E DOR  
Thanksgiving on Thursday   Osborne, Mary Pope  EF MAG   
Amelia Bedelia talks turkey   Parish, Herman ER DRA 28
Big Bob and the Thanksgiving Potatoes   Pinkwater, Daniel ER DRA 28
The pilgrims' first Thanksgiving   McGovern, Ann MCG
The Thanksgiving story   Dalgliesh, Alice  T  
The First Thanksgiving   Hayward, Linda  ER DRA 24 
Blue's Thanksgiving feast   Lissy, Jessica E BLU  
The Thanksgiving story   Dalgliesh, Alice  T
Gooney Bird and the room mother    Lowry, Lois EF LOW  
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving   Schulz, Charles M.  E PEA
Happy Thanksgiving, Biscuit!   Capucilli, Alyssa Satin  E BIS  
We're thankful!   Santomero, Angela C.  E BLU  1
A True Book about Thanksgiving   Rau, Dana Meachen  539
Pilgrims:a nonfiction companion to Thanksgiving on Thursday   Osborne, Mary Pope   304-1  
Arthur's Thanksgiving   Brown, Marc  E ART 
Amber Brown is feeling blue   Danziger, Paula  EF AMB DRA 30
感恩之門   黛比.艾威爾(Debby Atwell)/;劉清彥譯 E M7-02  
勇敢湯   瑪麗安.柯卡-萊弗勒(Maryann Cocca-Leffler).;李苑芳譯 E C6-04  
難忘的感恩節   瑪麗..奧斯本(Mary Pope Osborne);汪芸譯 ;吳健豐圖 E D0-04  
題名 作者 索書號
A Christmas carol   Dickens, Charles F A8-01  
Dream holiday   Willard, Eliza  EF MAR 
Nate the Great and the crunchy Christmas   Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman  EF NAT  
Happy holidays   Napoli, Donna Jo.  EF ANG 
Christmas poems   Waters, Fiona  851
The wounded buzzard on Christmas Eve   Erickson, John R. EF HAN  
Christmas   Marx, David F.  ER DRA 12 
Angelina's Christmas   Holabird, Katharine E A
Santa girls   Gallagher, Diana G. F TWO  
The perfect gift   Stine, Megan F TWO  
The girls' revenge   Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds  F DEL  
Horrible Harry and the Christmas surprise   Kline, Suzy EF HOR  
Molly's surprise:a Christmas story   Tripp, Valerie EF AME
Felicity's surprise:a Christmas story   Tripp, Valerie EF AME 
Josefina's surprise:a Christmas story   Tripp, Valerie EF AME 
Kirsten's surprise:a Christmas story   Shaw, Janet EF AME 
Addy's surprise:a Christmas story   Porter, Connie EF AME 
Samantha's surprise:a Christmas story   Schur, Maxine Rose EF AME  
Kit's surprise:a Christmas story   Tripp, Valerie EF AME  
Molly's surprise:a Christmas story   Tripp, Valerie EF AME
I spy Christmas:a book of picture riddles   Wick, Walter E ISP 
The Berenstain Bears save Christmas   Berenstain, Stan  E B
The toymaker's Christmas:paper toys you can make yourself   Scott-Waters, Marilyn  972
Usborne Christmas baking for children   Patchett, Fiona 426
The night before Christmas   Moore, Clement Clarke E N  
A Christmas gift for Mama   Thompson, Lauren  E C  
Auntie Claus and the key to Christmas   Primavera, Elise  E A  
Christmas    Haugen, Brenda E C 
Tickly Christmas, Wibbly Pig!    Inkpen, Mick E WIB  
How Santa really works   Snow, Alan  E H  
Christmas crafts. 963
The big book of Christmas:poems, plays, carols and things to make and do   Morgan, Gaby  F MOR
A Christmas carol   Dickens, Charles F DIC  
Angelina Ballerina's Christmas crafts   Craig, Helen  EF ANG 
Happy holidays, Jessi   Martin, Ann M.  F BAB  
The secret life of Mary Anne Spier   Martin, Ann M.  F BAB  
Christmas stories   Buckland, Lauren F BUC  
Christmas crack-ups   Li, Amanda F 09-04  
The Finster who stole Christmas   Wax, Wendy E F
The bird in Santa's beard:how a Christmas legend was forever changed   Schatzer, Jeffery L.  E B
Santa's busy day:a moving picture book   Rutherford, Peter E S
Santa, are you for real?   Myra, Harold E S
The Christmas miracle of Jonathan Toomey   Wojciechowski, Susan E C  
Santa Claus:the world's number one toy expert   Frazee, Marla E S
Gaspard and Lisa's Christmas Surprise   Gutman, Anne ,  E G
The night before christmas   Moore, Clement C. E N
Can you see what I see? The night before Christmas:picture puzzlesto search and solve   Wick, Walter  E C  
Harry and the dinosaurs make a Christmas wish   Whybrow, Ian  E H
A Christmas carol   Dickens, Charles F A6-06 
Look-alikes Christmas   Steiner, Joan E L
Crazy Christmas jokes   Grambs, Alison F 09-05  
Merry Christmas, from Biscuit   Capucilli, Alyssa Satin E M
Blue's 12 days of Christmas   Lukas, Catherine BLU  
Biscuit's Christmas:a scratch-and-sniff book   Capucilli, Alyssa Satin E BIS  
Dora's starry Christmas   Ricci, Christine E DOR 
Dora's Christmas parade   Valdes,  Leslie E DOR  
'Twas the fight before Christmas   Dower, Laura EF POW  
The night before Christmas   Moore, Clement Clarke E N
Petunia's Christmas   Duvoisin, Roger  E P
Little Critter's Christmas book   Mayer, Mercer  E GOL 
Kay Thompson's Eloise at Christmastime   Knight, Hilary  E ELO
Guess who's coming to Santa's for dinner?   dePaola, Tomie  E G
Merry Christmas, big hungry Bear!   Wood, Don  E M
A child's Christmas in Wales   Thomas, Dylan E C
Santa's Snow Cat   Stainton, Sue E S
Madeline's Christmas   Bemelmans, Ludwig  E MAD  
Santa Claus is comin' to town   Coots, J. Fred   E S
The magic journey   West, Tracey  E M
Don't forget me, Father Christmas   Mayo, Virginia  E D
The amazing Christmas extravaganza   Shannon, David  E A
The Christmas ship   Morrissey, Dean  E C
Lucy's Christmas   Hall, Donald E L
Rocking horse Christmas   Osborne, Mary Pope E R
Angelina's Christmas   Holabird, Katharine E A
I want a dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown!   Schulz, Charles M. E PEA
Santa's busy night   Rex, Michael  EF DRA 1 
Baboushka and the three kings   Robbins, Ruth E B
The crazy Christmas angel mystery   Lewis, Beverly  EF CUL  
Kitten in the cold   Baglio, Ben M. F ANI  
Sheepdog in the snow   Baglio, Ben M. F ANI  
Babar and the Christmas house   de Brunhoff, Laurent  E BAB  
If you take a mouse to the movies   Numeroff, Laura E IF   
Toot & Puddle:I'll be home for Christmas   Hobbie, Holly  E TOO
Babar and Father Christmas   de Brunhoff, Jean E BAB  
The Polar Express   Allsburg, Chris Van  P  DRA 34 
Celebrate with Blue!:a book of winter holidays   Albee, Sarah E BLU  
Biscuit gives a gift   Capucilli, Alyssa Satin E BIS  
Welcome comfort   Polacco, Patricia  E W  
Christmas in many cultures   Rustad, Martha E.H.  539
The poky little puppy's first Christmas   Korman, Justine E GOL
It's Christmas, David!   Shannon, David  E I 
The light at Tern Rock   Sauer, Julia L.  EF SAU  
Snowflake princess   Chase, Katie  EF LIT
The case of the Santa Claus mystery   Preller, James EF JIG  
The nutcracker   Hoffman, E.T.A.  F A7-04 
A holiday memory   Brooke, Lauren  F HEA  
The Walker book of Christmas stories. F WAL  
Horrid Henry's Christmas cracker   Simon, Francesca EF HOR 
The puppy who wanted a boy   Thayer, Jane  E P
Arthur's Christmas   Brown, Marc E ART  
Arthur's perfect Christmas   Brown, Marc E ART  
D.W.'s perfect present   Brown, Marc E ART  
Santa Claus Doesn't Mop Floors   Dadey, Debbie EF BAI  
Elves Don't Wear Hard Hats   Dadey, Debbie EF BAI   
Elves Don't Wear Hard Hats   Dadey, Debbie EF BAI   
Holly the Christmas fairy   Meadows, Daisy  EF RAI  
Stella the star fairy   Meadows, Daisy  EF RAI
A Christmas carol   Dickens, Charles  F DIC
Baboushka and the three kings   Robbins, Ruth E B
Christmas Presents Kids Can Make   Ross, Kathy 963
Growing Money: A Complete Investing Guide For Kids   Karlitz, Gail  560
The Berenstain Bears: Save Christmas   Berebstain, Stan B
Four Friends At Christmas    DePaola, Tomie F
Madeline In America   Bemelmans, Ludwig   MAD
Mr. Putter & Tabby bake the cake   Rylant, Cynthia EF MRP
Christmas stories   Vurnakes, Claudia  F A8-01  
賣火柴的小女孩     安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen), 1805-1875)原著;嶺月改寫 E F1-01   
聖誕頌     狄更斯(Charles Dickens);黃郁文改寫 E F1-01   
好忙好忙的耶誕老公公:耶誕老公公一年十二個月的生活     嘉納純子文;黑井健圖;嶺月譯 E E2-03 
奇妙的耶誕街車     羅夫.克瑞瑟著;席塔.加克圖;張劍鳴譯 E E2-03   
聖誕禮物     歐亨利原著;克拉迪奧,林良繪圖 E E3-01   
賣火柴的女孩     安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen)文;白蒂莉亞(Maria Battaglia)圖 E E3-04
小氣財神     狄更斯(Charles Dickens)著;英諾桑提(Roberto Innocenti)繪圖 E E3-02 
秘密筆記     李維文;班傑明等圖;殷麗君譯 E J2-03
聖誕不快樂     小野文;何雲姿圖 EF IO-01    
聖誕頌歌     狄更斯原著;周願同,官月淑改寫 F WO-03  
遊俠兒救了聖誕節  羅迪.道爾(Roddy Doyle)著   ;胡洲賢譯 F K3-01 
聖誕歌聲=A Christmas Carol (中英對照漫畫版)     狄更斯著; F W0-18   
聖誕饗宴[Ⅰ]     新形象編著 964-1  
聖誕饗宴[Ⅱ]     新形象編著 964-1  
真的有聖誕老公公嗎?     薰くみく文;小松?子譯;湯心怡譯 E C10-01  
聖誕老爸渡假去     布里斯(Raymond Briggs)文.圖;吳倩怡譯 E J2-03
紅鬍子     王文華作;杜小爾繪 E K9-01
聖誕老爸     布里斯(Raymond Briggs)文.圖;洪妤靜譯 E J2-03
聖誕小子 勞倫斯(Lawrence David)文;莒杭(Delphine Durand),郭恩惠圖 E J2-03   
不一樣的耶誕節     薰久美子文;Colobockle圖;周姚萍翻譯 E C6-04  
麥斯的聖誕節     露絲瑪莉.威爾斯(Rosemarry Wells)著;鄭榮珍譯 E C1-01
馴鹿羅比馴鹿大競賽 E F4-04   
聖誕樹     狄更斯(Dickens, Charles)文;羅伯英潘(Robert Ingpen)圖;邱玉玲譯 F J2-03   
奇妙的耶誕街車     羅夫.克瑞瑟著;席塔.加克圖;張劍鳴譯 E E2-03   
哈毛的耶誕節:這是一個關於倉鼠找到寶藏的故事     高尾裕子文.圖;詹慕如譯 E D1-02
威洛比先生的耶誕樹=Mr.Willowby's christmas tree     羅勃.巴利(Robert Barry)文.圖;林良譯 E D1-02  
小羊羅素過耶誕     羅伯.史卡頓(Rob Scotton)文.圖;陳雅茜譯 E D1-02  
耶誕快樂!貓咪雷弟     羅伯.史卡頓(Rob Scotton)文.圖;陳雅茜譯 E D1-02  
不一樣的耶誕節     薰久美子文;Colobockle圖;周姚萍翻譯 E C6-04 
白羅的聖誕假期     阿嘉莎.克莉絲蒂(Agatha Christie)著;黃曉鵑譯; F XC-01   
哪個聖誕布丁?     阿嘉莎.克莉絲蒂(Agatha Christie)著;許葵花譯; F XC-01   
祝你聖誕快樂     凱倫. 凱塔菲絲(Karen Katafiasz) 著;R.W.艾利(R.W.Alley)插圖|呂政達譯. 192
聖誕驚喜=The foxwood surprise     辛西亞.彼得森(CynthiaPaterson)文;布萊恩.彼得森(Brian Paterson)圖;黃聿君譯 F A4-03  
聖誕頌歌     狄更斯原著;周願同,官月淑改寫 F WO-03   
聖誕襪     希拉利.奈特(Hilary Knight)文.圖;劉清彥翻譯 E M9-03 
聖誕老人:分送禮物的傳奇人物     羅傑.布魯克(Roger Brooke)著;伊麗莎白.麥爾斯(Elizabeth J. Miles)繪圖 781-2   
發現聖誕老公公之旅 Claude Delafosse Et & Gallimard Jeunesse撰文;Jame's Prunier繪圖 E K7-01   
聖誕老公公不見了     可白文;達姆圖 EF C4-04 
朋友4個半:聖誕老人集團     約希.弗列德里(Joachim Friedrich)作;阿推繪;陳良梅譯 F N3-04  
好心鼠的快樂聖誕     謝利連摩.史提頓(Geronimo Stilton)作;宋詒瑞譯 F M8-01 
滑雪鼠的非常聖誕     謝利連摩.史提頓(Geronimo Stilton)作;何倩茹譯 F M8-01 
聖誕夜的禮物貓     Cleveland Amory著;吳美真譯 389.83
聖誕老公公的禮物     芭蕉綠文圖;訾如譯 E B2-01   
絕命聖誕夜     史考特.菲利浦(Scott Phillips)原著;李郁芬譯 F MO-02   


2014年12月10日 星期三
題名 作者 出版者 索書號
Chile   Miller, Jennifer A.  Lerner 756
Find out about the United Kingdom   Mortimer, Gavin Barron's Educational Series 741
Children's atlas of God's world   Froman, Craig  Master Books 710
Canada   Williams, Brian  National Geographic Publishers Group UK 753
Italy   Anderson, Robert  National Geographic Publishers Group UK 745
Kenya   Giles, Bridget  National Geographic Publishers Group UK 765
Japan   Phillips, Charles National Geographic Publishers Group UK 731
Antarctica Friedman, Mel  Children's Press 778
Europe Newman, Sandra  Children's Press 740
Iraq Friedman, Mel  Children's Press 735
The presidency   Taylor-Butler, Christine  Children's Press 570
North Korea   Walters, Tara  Children's Press 732
Ireland Koponen, Libby  Children's Press 741
A child's introduction to the world:geography, cultures, and people : from the Grand Canyon to the Great Wall of China   Alexander, Heather Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers 710
Changing Africa   Bowden, Rob   Heinemann Library 760
Ancient Africa   Bowden, Rob   Heinemann Library 760
Australia   Colson, Mary  Heinemann Library 771
New Zealand   Colson, Mary  Heinemann Library 772
Atlas of the Poles and Oceans   Foster, Karen  Picture Window Books 778
The BP oil spill    Benoit, Peter Children's Press 450
The Exxon Valdez oil spill    Benoit, Peter Children's Press 450
The Ute   Cunningham, Kevin   Children's Press 752
Ancient Greece   Newman, Sandra  Children's Press 713
The California Gold Rush   Friedman, Mel  Children's Press 752
The nervous system   Taylor-Butler, Christine  Children's Press 410
The respiratory system   Taylor-Butler, Christine  Children's Press 410
The Hindenburg disaster   Benoit, Peter  Children's Press 356.2
The Krakatau eruption   Benoit, Peter  Children's Press 355.1
The Supreme Court   Taylor-Butler, Christine  Children's Press 586
The bald eagle   Landau, Elaine  Children's Press 388.82
The Declaration of Independence   Landau, Elaine  Children's Press 752
Life in the West   Domnauer, Teresa  Children's Press 752
The Lewis and Clark Expedition   Perritano, John  Children's Press 716
The Transcontinental railroad   Perritano, John  Children's Press 752
Westward expansion   Domnauer, Teresa Children's Press 752
The Wampanoag   Cunningham, Kevin Children's Press 752
Tsunamis Stiefel, Chana  Children's Press 355.3
1776:a new look at revolutionary Williamsburg   Kostyal , K.M. National Geographic 752
How to go fishing and catch fish!   Purnell, Gareth  Franklin Watts 995.8
Four thousand years of Jewish history:then and now   Lefcourt, Jack Ktav 712
World without fish:how could we let this happen?   Kurlansky, Mark  Workman Pub. 388.5
Yoga for kids  : the at-home yoga class for new beginners Lark, Liz  Carlton 991
The solar system   Waxman, Laura Hamilton  Lerner Publications Co. 323.2
Saturn Waxman, Laura Hamilton  Lerner Publications Co. 323.3
Matter:see it, touch it, taste it, smell it   Stille, Darlene R. Picture Window Books 176
Water:up, down, and all around   Rosinsky, Natalie M.  Picture Window Books 353
Composting:nature's recyclers   Koontz, Robin Picture Window Books 367.8
Dirt:the scoop on soil   Rosinsky, Natalie Picture Window Books 367.8
Motion:push and pull, fast and slow   Stille, Darlene R.  Picture Window Books 330
Temperature:heating up and cooling down   Stille, Darlene R.  Picture Window Books 335
Celebrate!:connections among cultures    Reynolds, Jan Lee & Low Books 539.1
Who grows up in the snow?:a book about snow animals and their offspring   Longenecker, Theresa  Picture Window Books 383.5
Who grows up in the ocean?:a book about ocean animals and their offspring   Longenecker, Theresa Picture Window Books 383.5
Who grows up in the desert?:a book about desert animals and their offspring   Longenecker, Theresa  Picture Window Books 383.5
Who grows up in the rain forest?:a book about rain forest animals and their offspring   Longenecker, Theresa  Picture Window Books 383.5
Who grows up in the forest?:a book about forest animals and their offspring   Longenecker, Theresa  Picture Window Books  383.5    
Making puppets   Henry, Sally   PowerKids Press 964
Start to batik   Robinson, Rosi  Search Press 964
Creative textiles projects for children   Woods, Karen  A. & C. Black 964
Trash to toys:creative games from your recycle bin   Sarkady, Nick  Bonneville Books 964
Costume crafts   Brown, Tessa  Gareth Stevens Pub. 964
10-minute puppets   MacNeal, Noel    964
Start to embroider   Buckley, Claire  Workman Pub. 964
Start to felt   Kuniczak, Ewa  Search Press 964
Making Mosaics   Henry, Sally PowerKids Press 964
Eco-crafts   Henry, Sally PowerKids Press 964
The all-new woodworking for kids McGuire, Kevin  Lark Books 964
Kids! picture yourself crocheting maranGraphics Inc. Course Technology 964
Easy origami:a step-by-step guide for kids   Meinking, Mary  Capstone Press 972
I spy spectacular:a book of picture riddles   Marzollo, Jean  Scholastic E ISP    
I spy, year-round challenger!:a book of picture riddles   Marzollo, Jean  Scholastic E ISP    
I spy with my little eye : Hockey   Napier, Matt Scholastic E ISP    
The tale of Despereaux  : being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread DiCamillo, Kate  Candlewick Press F DIC  
A Little Princess   Burnett, Frances Hodgson Random House F A7-03    
The Secret Garden   Burnett, Frances Hodgson Random House F A7-03    
臺灣客家語朗讀文章選輯  : 詔安腔版 教育部國語推行委員會編 教育部 802.5
臺灣客家語朗讀文章選輯  : 大埔腔版 教育部國語推行委員會編 教育部 802.5
臺灣客家語朗讀文章選輯  : 四縣腔版 教育部國語推行委員會編 教育部 802.5
臺灣客家語朗讀文章選輯  : 原著文章 教育部國語推行委員會編 教育部 802.5
臺灣客家語朗讀文章選輯  : 海陸腔版 教育部國語推行委員會編 教育部 802.5
臺灣客家語朗讀文章選輯  : 饒平腔版 教育部國語推行委員會編 教育部 802.5
客家歌謠合唱曲譜選集 福爾摩沙合唱團製作 行政院客家委員會 913
客家風歌曲集 蔡盈珠文字編輯 行政院客家委員會 913
客語大不同7  : 育樂日常生活用語 陳玉英等編輯 行政院客家委員會 802.5
客語大不同6  : 育樂日常生活用語 陳玉英等編輯 行政院客家委員會 802.5
臺北縣國民小學鄉土語言教學補充教材. 劉和然總編輯 臺北縣政府 802.5
生命之樹:達爾文的一生   彼得席斯(Peter Sis)文.圖;張琰譯 格林文化 E J2-09 
提升專注力的126件黏土創意   珍珍老師著 教育之友文化出版 964
簡單又可愛!不織布吉祥物    Boutique編輯部著;黃廷嫥譯 漢欣文化 964
不織布雜貨可愛限定   李國鈺編著 藝風堂 964
鋁線雜貨生活手作   柚子編著 藝風堂 964
我是點子王!:玩出52種獨一無二的創意勞作    [幼福文化]編輯部編譯 幼福文化 964
找死的兔子   安迪.萊利(Andy Riley)作 小知堂文化 F C5-11   
找死的兔子:趴吐   安迪.萊利(Andy Riley)著 小知堂文化 F C5-11    
想像力與美感養成:創意摺紙遊戲   主婦之友社編著;李靜宜翻譯 天下遠見 972
超簡單 北歐剪紙旋轉吊飾:剪出親子共享的歡樂時光,北歐、耶誕、節慶吊飾一次擁有   曹健男著 高寶國際 972
最愛手工卡片    [藝風堂出版社]編輯部編著 藝風堂 965
窩心送給你!親手做的立體卡片   阿部浩二編集;侯詠馨譯 瑞昇文化 965
立體の卡好!四季手工卡片100款   鈴木孝美著;劉梅香譯 瑞昇文化 965
巧妙的民俗編織   陳曉蘋,許崢嶸著 民聖文化 966
創意生活魔法書.捏麵玩樂篇   蘇逸民著 小熊媽媽 966