題名 | 作者 | 出版者 | 索書號 |
Chile | Miller, Jennifer A. | Lerner | 756 |
Find out about the United Kingdom | Mortimer, Gavin | Barron's Educational Series | 741 |
Children's atlas of God's world | Froman, Craig | Master Books | 710 |
Canada | Williams, Brian | National Geographic Publishers Group UK | 753 |
Italy | Anderson, Robert | National Geographic Publishers Group UK | 745 |
Kenya | Giles, Bridget | National Geographic Publishers Group UK | 765 |
Japan | Phillips, Charles | National Geographic Publishers Group UK | 731 |
Antarctica | Friedman, Mel | Children's Press | 778 |
Europe | Newman, Sandra | Children's Press | 740 |
Iraq | Friedman, Mel | Children's Press | 735 |
The presidency | Taylor-Butler, Christine | Children's Press | 570 |
North Korea | Walters, Tara | Children's Press | 732 |
Ireland | Koponen, Libby | Children's Press | 741 |
A child's introduction to the world:geography, cultures, and people : from the Grand Canyon to the Great Wall of China | Alexander, Heather | Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers | 710 |
Changing Africa | Bowden, Rob | Heinemann Library | 760 |
Ancient Africa | Bowden, Rob | Heinemann Library | 760 |
Australia | Colson, Mary | Heinemann Library | 771 |
New Zealand | Colson, Mary | Heinemann Library | 772 |
Atlas of the Poles and Oceans | Foster, Karen | Picture Window Books | 778 |
The BP oil spill | Benoit, Peter | Children's Press | 450 |
The Exxon Valdez oil spill | Benoit, Peter | Children's Press | 450 |
The Ute | Cunningham, Kevin | Children's Press | 752 |
Ancient Greece | Newman, Sandra | Children's Press | 713 |
The California Gold Rush | Friedman, Mel | Children's Press | 752 |
The nervous system | Taylor-Butler, Christine | Children's Press | 410 |
The respiratory system | Taylor-Butler, Christine | Children's Press | 410 |
The Hindenburg disaster | Benoit, Peter | Children's Press | 356.2 |
The Krakatau eruption | Benoit, Peter | Children's Press | 355.1 |
The Supreme Court | Taylor-Butler, Christine | Children's Press | 586 |
The bald eagle | Landau, Elaine | Children's Press | 388.82 |
The Declaration of Independence | Landau, Elaine | Children's Press | 752 |
Life in the West | Domnauer, Teresa | Children's Press | 752 |
The Lewis and Clark Expedition | Perritano, John | Children's Press | 716 |
The Transcontinental railroad | Perritano, John | Children's Press | 752 |
Westward expansion | Domnauer, Teresa | Children's Press | 752 |
The Wampanoag | Cunningham, Kevin | Children's Press | 752 |
Tsunamis | Stiefel, Chana | Children's Press | 355.3 |
1776:a new look at revolutionary Williamsburg | Kostyal , K.M. | National Geographic | 752 |
How to go fishing and catch fish! | Purnell, Gareth | Franklin Watts | 995.8 |
Four thousand years of Jewish history:then and now | Lefcourt, Jack | Ktav | 712 |
World without fish:how could we let this happen? | Kurlansky, Mark | Workman Pub. | 388.5 |
Yoga for kids : the at-home yoga class for new beginners | Lark, Liz | Carlton | 991 |
The solar system | Waxman, Laura Hamilton | Lerner Publications Co. | 323.2 |
Saturn | Waxman, Laura Hamilton | Lerner Publications Co. | 323.3 |
Matter:see it, touch it, taste it, smell it | Stille, Darlene R. | Picture Window Books | 176 |
Water:up, down, and all around | Rosinsky, Natalie M. | Picture Window Books | 353 |
Composting:nature's recyclers | Koontz, Robin | Picture Window Books | 367.8 |
Dirt:the scoop on soil | Rosinsky, Natalie | Picture Window Books | 367.8 |
Motion:push and pull, fast and slow | Stille, Darlene R. | Picture Window Books | 330 |
Temperature:heating up and cooling down | Stille, Darlene R. | Picture Window Books | 335 |
Celebrate!:connections among cultures | Reynolds, Jan | Lee & Low Books | 539.1 |
Who grows up in the snow?:a book about snow animals and their offspring | Longenecker, Theresa | Picture Window Books | 383.5 |
Who grows up in the ocean?:a book about ocean animals and their offspring | Longenecker, Theresa | Picture Window Books | 383.5 |
Who grows up in the desert?:a book about desert animals and their offspring | Longenecker, Theresa | Picture Window Books | 383.5 |
Who grows up in the rain forest?:a book about rain forest animals and their offspring | Longenecker, Theresa | Picture Window Books | 383.5 |
Who grows up in the forest?:a book about forest animals and their offspring | Longenecker, Theresa | Picture Window Books | 383.5 |
Making puppets | Henry, Sally | PowerKids Press | 964 |
Start to batik | Robinson, Rosi | Search Press | 964 |
Creative textiles projects for children | Woods, Karen | A. & C. Black | 964 |
Trash to toys:creative games from your recycle bin | Sarkady, Nick | Bonneville Books | 964 |
Costume crafts | Brown, Tessa | Gareth Stevens Pub. | 964 |
10-minute puppets | MacNeal, Noel | 964 | |
Start to embroider | Buckley, Claire | Workman Pub. | 964 |
Start to felt | Kuniczak, Ewa | Search Press | 964 |
Making Mosaics | Henry, Sally | PowerKids Press | 964 |
Eco-crafts | Henry, Sally | PowerKids Press | 964 |
The all-new woodworking for kids | McGuire, Kevin | Lark Books | 964 |
Kids! picture yourself crocheting | maranGraphics Inc. | Course Technology | 964 |
Easy origami:a step-by-step guide for kids | Meinking, Mary | Capstone Press | 972 |
I spy spectacular:a book of picture riddles | Marzollo, Jean | Scholastic | E ISP |
I spy, year-round challenger!:a book of picture riddles | Marzollo, Jean | Scholastic | E ISP |
I spy with my little eye : Hockey | Napier, Matt | Scholastic | E ISP |
The tale of Despereaux : being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread | DiCamillo, Kate | Candlewick Press | F DIC |
A Little Princess | Burnett, Frances Hodgson | Random House | F A7-03 |
The Secret Garden | Burnett, Frances Hodgson | Random House | F A7-03 |
臺灣客家語朗讀文章選輯 : 詔安腔版 | 教育部國語推行委員會編 | 教育部 | 802.5 |
臺灣客家語朗讀文章選輯 : 大埔腔版 | 教育部國語推行委員會編 | 教育部 | 802.5 |
臺灣客家語朗讀文章選輯 : 四縣腔版 | 教育部國語推行委員會編 | 教育部 | 802.5 |
臺灣客家語朗讀文章選輯 : 原著文章 | 教育部國語推行委員會編 | 教育部 | 802.5 |
臺灣客家語朗讀文章選輯 : 海陸腔版 | 教育部國語推行委員會編 | 教育部 | 802.5 |
臺灣客家語朗讀文章選輯 : 饒平腔版 | 教育部國語推行委員會編 | 教育部 | 802.5 |
客家歌謠合唱曲譜選集 | 福爾摩沙合唱團製作 | 行政院客家委員會 | 913 |
客家風歌曲集 | 蔡盈珠文字編輯 | 行政院客家委員會 | 913 |
客語大不同7 : 育樂日常生活用語 | 陳玉英等編輯 | 行政院客家委員會 | 802.5 |
客語大不同6 : 育樂日常生活用語 | 陳玉英等編輯 | 行政院客家委員會 | 802.5 |
臺北縣國民小學鄉土語言教學補充教材. | 劉和然總編輯 | 臺北縣政府 | 802.5 |
生命之樹:達爾文的一生 | 彼得席斯(Peter Sis)文.圖;張琰譯 | 格林文化 | E J2-09 |
提升專注力的126件黏土創意 | 珍珍老師著 | 教育之友文化出版 | 964 |
簡單又可愛!不織布吉祥物 | Boutique編輯部著;黃廷嫥譯 | 漢欣文化 | 964 |
不織布雜貨可愛限定 | 李國鈺編著 | 藝風堂 | 964 |
鋁線雜貨生活手作 | 柚子編著 | 藝風堂 | 964 |
我是點子王!:玩出52種獨一無二的創意勞作 | [幼福文化]編輯部編譯 | 幼福文化 | 964 |
找死的兔子 | 安迪.萊利(Andy Riley)作 | 小知堂文化 | F C5-11 |
找死的兔子:趴吐 | 安迪.萊利(Andy Riley)著 | 小知堂文化 | F C5-11 |
想像力與美感養成:創意摺紙遊戲 | 主婦之友社編著;李靜宜翻譯 | 天下遠見 | 972 |
超簡單 北歐剪紙旋轉吊飾:剪出親子共享的歡樂時光,北歐、耶誕、節慶吊飾一次擁有 | 曹健男著 | 高寶國際 | 972 |
最愛手工卡片 | [藝風堂出版社]編輯部編著 | 藝風堂 | 965 |
窩心送給你!親手做的立體卡片 | 阿部浩二編集;侯詠馨譯 | 瑞昇文化 | 965 |
立體の卡好!四季手工卡片100款 | 鈴木孝美著;劉梅香譯 | 瑞昇文化 | 965 |
巧妙的民俗編織 | 陳曉蘋,許崢嶸著 | 民聖文化 | 966 |
創意生活魔法書.捏麵玩樂篇 | 蘇逸民著 | 小熊媽媽 | 966 |
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